Note: this blog is a mirror of my HP Labs Blog, on the same topic, accessible at:

Monday, October 29, 2007

New ENISA Position Paper: Security Issues and Recommendations for Online Social Networks

ENISA has recently released a position paper, called “Security Issues and Recommendations for Online Social Networks” (available online, here) – Editor: Giles Hogben (ENISA):

“This paper aims to provide a useful introduction to security issues in the area of Social Networking, highlight the most important threats and make recommendations for action and best practices to reduce the security risks to users.”

Specifically, it focuses on the following threats and recommendations:

  • Principal Threats: privacy related threats, information security threats, identity related threats and social threats);
  • Recommendations and Countermeasures: government policy recommendations, provider and corporate policy recommendations, technical recommendations, research and standardisation recommendations.

    “This paper is aimed at corporate and political decision-makers as well as Social Network application-providers. It also seeks to raise awareness among political and corporate decision-makers of the legal and social implications of new developments in Social Networking technologies. In particular, the findings should have important implications for education and data protection policy.”

--- NOTE: my original HP blog can be found here ---

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