Note: this blog is a mirror of my HP Labs Blog, on the same topic, accessible at:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Webinar (17 January 2008, 3:00 PM, GMT) – “Internal Threats to Your Data. From erring employees to malicious infiltrators - how do you protect ...?"

I received an email from Elsevier/InfoSecurity advertising a public webinar, called “Internal Threats to Your Data. From erring employees to malicious infiltrators - how do you protect against the unknown?”.

I think this might be of interest to this community (due to its identity and privacy implications):

“Database attacks have long been associated with the problem of external hackers, who, whilst searching for vulnerabilities in an organisation's IT resource and often using SQL injection techniques, seek to steal data for their own - or third party - malicious usage. Recently, however, the number of security breaches occurring in the public and private sector, has raised the topic to the top of the list as far as board level management is concerned. The risks involved are many, ranging from employees stealing confidential data for personal gain, right through to a lack of corporate governance and policies allowing staff access to information they should not normally have access to in their day-to-day duties. …

This webinar will:
  • Give clear insight in to the complex and changing nature of insider threats, with a look at original research
  • Show how accidental misuse can lead to disastrous consequences
  • Offer proven strategies to secure your data, including practical advice on how to determine what is normal behaviour and what is an abuse of privilege
  • Explain what to look for in an employee's abuse of privilege”

The webinar is free and it is going to take place on Thursday, January 17th at 3:00 PM (GMT). Attendees are requested to register online. Of course, read the Webcast Registration Policy …

Apparently, CISSPs and SSCPs will receive 1 CPE credit for attending this webinar.

--- NOTE: my original HP blog can be found here ---

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