Note: this blog is a mirror of my HP Labs Blog, on the same topic, accessible at:

Friday, March 28, 2008

There is Life after PRIME: PrimeLife …

As you might be aware, after 4 years the EU PRIME Project (Privacy for Identity Management in Europe) has come to an end. But it is not all over … The EU PrimeLife Project is going to be one of its follow-ups:

“The European Union is to spend £7.8m on a three-year project to enhance users' privacy in social networks, virtual communities and other Web 2.0 technologies. PrimeLife's short-term goal is to provide scalable and configurable privacy and identity management in new and emerging internet services and applications. In the longer term, it aims to develop tools that will protect individuals' privacy throughout their life.
Jan Camenisch, PrimeLife's technical leader, said everyone who used the internet left "virtual footprints" that others could collect and use without their knowledge. This was made possible by advances in technologies for data collection, unlimited storage, and reuse and lifelong linkage of these digital traces, he said. …” (more details are available in Ian Grant’s article).

Additional details are available in another article by Bryan Betts, Techword:

“PrimeLife's co-ordinator is IBM's Zurich research laboratory, and it follows on from an earlier EU-backed project into identity management systems, called Prime (Privacy and Identity Management in Europe). Where Prime was mostly concerned with identity management (see its white paper here), PrimeLife will go beyond that to address privacy management and trust issues across a user's entire lifespan from childhood to old age, said IBM cryptography researcher Jan Camenisch, who is the project's technical leader.

Finally, this article provides some additional information on its scope and participants:

“Several PrimeLife partners are participants in industry and standardization groups such as the World Wide Web Consortium’s PLING, Liberty Alliance, ISO/IEC JTC 1, and ITU. Furthermore, PrimeLife will work and interact with relevant open-source communities such as Higgins, as well as with other research projects in order to achieve the sustainability of these project results.

PrimeLife’s multidisciplinary consortium consists of the coordinator, the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland, and project partners from various countries: Center for Usability Research & Engineering, Austria; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; GEIE ERCIM, France; Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein, Technische Universität Dresden, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Europäisches Microsoft Innovations Center GmbH, Giesecke & Devrient GmbH and SAP AG, Germany; Università degli Studi di Bergamo and Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy; Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, The Netherlands; Karlstads Universitet, Sweden; and Brown University, United States of America.”

--- NOTE: my original HP blog can be found here ---

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