Note: this blog is a mirror of my HP Labs Blog, on the same topic, accessible at:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Announcing EnCoRe (Ensuring Consent and Revocation): a new UK IT Collaborative Project

A new UK IT collaborative project has been officially announced: EnCoRe – Ensuring Consent and Revocation (some initial press releases: here and here):

“As more and more personal information flows from individuals to organisations when they interact online, people are becoming more and more concerned that they can not effectively control what this information is used for, with which other organisations it is shared, and where it is stored. They may have given their consent, often in vague terms and implicitly, for its use, sharing and storage, but they have no real control over the specifics of these, nor the ability to revoke their consent and be sure that their wish is respected. In summary, they are not able to control where their personal information flows to, and this makes them uneasy about interacting online.

The overall vision of this project is to make giving consent as reliable and easy as turning on a tap, and revoking that consent as reliable and easy as turning it off again.”

This £3.6m project consortium is multi-disciplinary, spanning across a number of IT and social science specialisms. The project partners are Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, HW Communications, QinetiQ, the London School of Economics, the Ethox Centre of the University of Oxford and the University of Warwick.

The EnCoRe project runs from June 2008 to November 2011. It receives funding from the UK Government’s Technology Strategy Board, Economic & Social Research Council and Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council.

--- NOTE: my original HP blog can be found here ---

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