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Friday, May 21, 2010

On Strategic Preference Elicitations from Security Decision Makers (Economics of Security and Identity Management)

In the context of my Security and Identity Analytics R&D work I am currently exploring various methodologies and approaches to elicit strategic preferences from decision makers.

Ideally, by understanding these strategic preferences, it is possible to create a framework where to investigate the implications of security (investment) decisions, from an economic perspective: in this context, analytic methods, leveraging modelling and simulation techniques, can also be used for what-if analysis.

Recent technical reports, HPL-2010-11 and HPL-2010-12, provide a more detailed description of some of the work done at HP Labs in Identity Analytics, in the space of Economics of Identity Management.

Of course I am well aware that different approaches and methodologies might apply and that the scientific community has different views and perceptions of how and when to use preference elicitation.

An interesting paper (among many) setting the context in this domain is “Survey of Preference Elicitation Methods” by Li Chen and Pearl Pu, EPFL, Losanne.

However, I wonder if anybody in the community is aware of current work and or documents describing methodologies and case studies in the specific area of preference elicitation, in the security domain.

--- Posted by Marco Casassa Mont (here and here) ---

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--- NOTE: my original HP blog can be found here ---

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