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Friday, June 1, 2012

On Safe Information Sharing in the Cloud

I am interested in getting links to public material related to case studies, R&D and work done in the space of information sharing, in particular in the context of cloud environments.

Specifically, I am interested in next generation supply-chain scenarios and federated Security Operation Centres (SOCs), operating in the cloud and/or involving entities which use services in the cloud.

For example, in case of security incidents involving and IaaS and a SaaS, the SOC centre at the SaaS site might need to know more information about the incident, etc. This involves safe information sharing.

As previously mentioned in a post of mine, key requirements include providing mechanisms for safe sharing, assurance, risk assessment and compliance. Sharing policies need to be in place. Assurance mechanisms need to be in place to assess the pedigree, quality and completeness of the shared data.

I wonder if any specific case study has already been carried out in this space whose results are publicly available and or if there are any publications available. So far I didn’t manage to find very relevant information (but still searching ...).

--- Posted by Marco Casassa Mont (here and here) ---

--- NOTE: use this mirror blog if you prefer posting on an external blog site ---

--- NOTE: my original HP blog can be found here ---

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