Note: this blog is a mirror of my HP Labs Blog, on the same topic, accessible at:

Friday, July 19, 2013

On Big Data for Security

I am currently focusing my R&D work in the space of “Big Data for Security”.

This is a fascinating area and, currently, a green field.


How to effectively leverage huge amount of collected IT information (ranging from IT logs to application and service information as well as external intelligence)  to identify new security threats, issues and provide valuable information to organisations to mitigate current and foreseeable risks?


HP already has core assets in the security and “Big Data” space: HP ArcSight suite (SIEM solution for event logging, storage and correlation); HP Vertica (highly parallelised, columnar database solution for storage and analytics of structured big data) and HP Autonomy (storage, indexing and retrieval of massive amount of unstructured data).


I am currently exploring how these capabilities could be fully leveraged in the context of big data for security, in particular in a few security verticals and types of critical security data. In addition, I am interested in exploring how the massive amount of required computation and analytics can be performed by adopting innovative solutions in the cloud (private and hybrid cloud).


I am looking for public use cases, case studies and requirements in this space, in particular for analytics based on big security data and anecdotes on how “big data” has been helping to address security issues.



--- Posted by Marco Casassa Mont (here and here)  ---

--- NOTE:  use this mirror blog if you prefer posting on an external blog site  ---

--- NOTE:  my original HP blog can be found here  ---


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