Note: this blog is a mirror of my HP Labs Blog, on the same topic, accessible at:

Monday, August 13, 2007

On Company Policies and Impact on Identity Theft …

Ian Williams’ article, titled “Poor company policy aids identity thefts”, provides an overview of a recent report by Experian:

“Many businesses are still in the dark ages when it comes to making sure customers are who they say they are, reveals a new report by risk management experts Experian.
The report shows that 70 per cent of financial services companies still rely on fraud-friendly paper documents to authenticate a person's identity, and 36 per cent of retailers and 40 per cent of telecommunications companies are still doing it.
According to the survey too many industries are left hamstrung by their reliance on the use of passports, utility bills and driving licences for authentication, despite the fact that electronic systems are generally considered to be safer and faster for all concerned. The report is based on interviews with 1,500 consumers and anti-fraud, risk and compliance experts from 70 businesses in the UK.”

It would be interesting to have a comparative analysis across different countries (e.g. in EU, US, etc.) showing the impact that different companies’ policies have on identity theft.

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